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Photographer Spotlight - Shaff Naeem

Photographer Spotlight - Shaff Naeem

I am excited to introduce my April Underwater Photographer - Shaff Naeem. He is an ex-military diver, dive instructor and award winning Underwater Photographer currently living in Switzerland! You can follow him at @shaff_naeem - Keep reading to find out more about Shaff and his journey with SCUBA
Ren Taylor scuba diving with her underwater photography equipment

Photographer Spotlight - Ren Taylor

March Underwater Photographer - Ren Taylor! Ren is currently a Dive Master and photographer in Hawaii. She makes stunning Reels, takes amazing drone videos as well as underwater photos and videos, and of course - loves a good Nudibranch. She was also one of my first customers! 
Photographer Spotlight - Francesco Martini

Photographer Spotlight - Francesco Martini

February Underwater Photographer #2 - Francesco Martini! Francesco currently lives in Barcelona, Spain and got his Divemaster cert in Thailand. I repost his work all the time so you should recognize some of them! And you'll see why I am always sharing his stuff - it's incredible to say the least. 
Want to be Spotlighted? Or know an Underwater Photographer that loves Nudibranchs? Message me!
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