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Let's Learn about Nudibranchs - SIZE

Let's Learn about Nudibranchs - SIZE

Nudibranchs can vary a LOT in size. As adults, they can be as small as a few mm to over 60cm (0.16in to 25in). But what is the smallest, largest, and average size of Nudibranchs? Read to find out and see photos of the World's Largest - Spanish Dancer -...
Let's Get Nudi - why these 2 Nudibranchs are among my favorite

Let's Get Nudi - why these 2 Nudibranchs are among my favorite

If you haven't seen my new sticker design - check it out. It features two of my favorite Nudibranchs, Nembrotha kubaryana and Chromodoris lochi. Read more to see why they are my favorite!


Below are answers to my Trivia Tuesday posts! Comment on FB or Instagram with the correct answer for a chance to win a sticker! #trivia | #triviatuesday | #nudibranch | #ilovenudis ................................................................................................... Tuesday, March 14th 2023 What age group does this Marionia blainvillea belong to? How can you tell?  @focusmacromicro⁠ La Herradura,...
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